Day 287-292

Some weeks are worse than the rest. Those are the weeks that you end as a different person than you were the week before that. The last six days have not been fun for me. I realised a few things that I will just list without much explanation. It’s easier.

  1. Not everyone will like you.
  2. You don’t have to worry about them unless they affect the things you care about.
  3. It’s always easier pretending to be someone else, but no one does you like you do.
  4. Pizza fixes everything.
  5. Hard work might too.

You deserve some great music. So, go listen to this.

Day 286 – Birthday Wisdom Part II

I spent the day of my birthday mostly silent, speaking only when I absolutely had to pick up a phone call or talk to people who visited me at home. It was the quietest birthday I have ever had. For someone who has waited for this — to turn 23 — for years, it was almost disillusioning to not have anything happen this year.

When I stepped back at the end of the day, all I realised I wanted was to be thankful for all that I do have. An adult birthday, knowing that I am loved by the people I love and letting go of my childhood officially. Brb, going to figure taxes now.

Day 283-285 — Birthday Wisdom Part I

A story that my closest friends know from my life (among my neverending anecdotes) is one from five years ago.

I was travelling around north India with my parents at 18. July in India is usually wet and warm, but Jaipur — where we were — is in a desert and it’s not known to rain much there through the year. The day that this story took place was another mercilessly sunny day in the city till it started pouring out of the blue. We were walking around Jaipur Fort and had to rush to the weapons exhibit for shelter in the rain. As we walked up the stairs to see more weapons wielded by royalty, my eyes met an astrologer’s and his gaze never left me till I was out of sight. I have always been fascinated by astrology and Linda Goodman’s book on sun signs has been one of my favourite books since I was 12. My mother and I exchanged glances and knew we’d be in a session with the astrologer soon enough. I guess that is one of the few things I have in common with my mother — we live in the future more than the present; and any occasion that we could get to have a look at the future without meddling with it, we would grab. On our way out, we sat down with the astrologer amidst giggles and stretched our palms out to be read. It’s as if we knew someone would be able to make sense of the odd lines and hence, make sense of us.

Along with all the details he told me about my present and murky future, he told me that my 23rd year would be extremely important. He said my 17th, 19th, 27th and 31st years were on that list too. I listened with a dismissive fascination that only the truly anxious can replicate. So, typical of myself, I didn’t let go of these numbers.

Reflecting on 17, I realised that it was important because I moved to Bombay and learnt to live alone and fall in love with someone at the wrong time. As 19 passed me, I learnt about being loved, and letting go of people, places and plans. So, I assumed and awaited 23 to see what it would have in store for me.

In the past four months, I have told myself that this is my year just based on one man’s calculations. The fascination for turning 23 wasn’t new, however. In the last four days, I told myself that this number I wanted to be was everything I had wanted to be since I was 10. But, here I was, on the eve of my birthday not knowing what I am doing with my life.

Then, I remembered how 22 was important too. All the pain, all the struggle, all the conflict, standing up for myself, this blog, my writing, losing my friends to distance — everything made me a completely different person than I was last year. So, who tells me 23 is more or less important? What will change this year except for me? And in what degree?

Why does it even matter?

But, if I lived my year — one day at a time — as if it was important to me (and no one else), it would be as great as I want it to be.

Happy birthday to me.

Day 282

While it’s difficult to recall when was the last time I really laughed, I think of the people I love and realise that I have been blessed by the people I surround myself with. There’s nothing better than the right company, no matter how near or far.

Every time you’re down, pick a friend and be happy for them. Look at your best friend now and remember all the dreams they told you about a few years back. Think of how far they’ve come and how good it feels knowing that you have been a part of someone’s life being amazing. Doesn’t that feel good?

I’m sure it does.

Day 281

The thing about living my life is that I have far too many loved ones who live very far away. I know I am probably not the only one who has these struggles. But, I often find myself counting days to the next time I see the people I love. My life is currently a series of countdowns.

5 days to my birthday.
Less than a month for a trip to the mountains.
4 months till I see my best friend.
8 months till I see another.
… And so on.

It gets really difficult at times, with me often ending up in tears over the phone with friends who find ways to distract me. As someone who takes forever to make other new friends, I wonder often if this means I am going to die alone. But then I remember that’s kinda what I have friends for — to dance at my funeral.


Day 280

The best thing about the past year has been that I have moved on from a lot of the pain other people have given me. Here’s how I did that — I decided to move on. I know I sound like I am giving the world’s most clichéd lesson in happiness, but that’s all it is.

Today, I found it easy to tell someone I used to be into them because I stopped caring about what people think. I have stopped caring about how much my life depends on other people’s happiness. I have stopped caring as much as I used to.

So, I throw my head back and laugh at how things used to be because it doesn’t matter anymore. You only need the rearview mirror to remind me of how what is behind you could hurt you and keep yourself safe. But, you really just need to keep your eyes on the road ahead.

Day 279

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we are reminded by the world around us that we’re alone. Where do we find our strength in these times? Samson was lucky. He always had his hair. What about us lesser mortals?

What if we could share our strength with someone? What if we could let them grow with us?

I think that’s what it is.

Day 276

In the short history of my life, it has been rare that I could fall asleep easily. So when I do fall asleep without much coaxing or other aids, I feel blessed. The privilege of a complete REM cycle means I am either free of any problems or ignorant of the ones I need to work on.

Cool. Works for now.

Day 273-275

Everyone’s breaking up. Whether on good terms or bad, I am watching romantic relationships around me fall apart. At such a time, I decided to visit my friend from hostel — Gloria.

Gloria is expecting a baby around July this year and I am still struggling to wrap my head around that. Just when I had finally gotten over the shock of her getting married (and being bridesmaid), she was telling me I’m becoming an aunt to her firstborn. While it scared me, I was also happy for someone I knew getting what she always wanted and what we all secretly envy — a life that is filled with love and affection. While my opinion on children is split, I cannot deny that being around Gloria and her family this weekend reminded me why we all crave the happy ending with spouse and children.

As someone whose life goal is emotional stability, this was the weekend that I felt it the most just by being in the presence of other people who were emotionally secure and stable around each other. They also reminded me that I still believe in love that is goofy. Every time we all laughed, I realised I saw myself relax because I had proof of all the things I believed in.

I hope you find reasons to believe in the love you need and deserve. Think of how good things are real every time you see people in love. Realise that other people having what you want only means that you have the chance at it too. You just need to believe hard enough and be patient.

But, find someone who makes you feel like you are the amazing individual that you are in your best dreams. Find someone who is encouraging you to become that person over the years and months. Even if it doesn’t always last long, find love that moves you. Find a love that changes you.